Well, India's contribution to mathematics is well known, that is the concept of zero. Even deciamal numbering system, place value system and theorem of right angle triangle are some of the contributions.
Why did our great rishis gave us only ten digits (i.e decimal numbering system)? What could be the reason for this? simple, they thought very counting begane with fingers and they gave us ten digits ! See, how logical it is !
In the beginning, our great seers miaght have observed the nature, they might have noticed that everything in the nature is following some rule, it could be day and night or seasons or eclipses etc. they thought that this could be the God's language and they might have thought that , if they could understand this language they can understand the God also. So, the quest to understand this language began and so, mathematics originated in India.
Then they adopted their mathematical thinking to worship God. So, the Yajna's started. Yajna is actually mathematical approach to worship God. ....... continues ........
great guy..very interesting history!